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150,000 t/y Gas Fractionation and 30,000 t/y MTBE Integrated Plant
双击自动滚屏 发布时间:2012/12/18 12:07:48 阅读:4265次 【字体:

This integrated plant mainly comprises a gas fractionation plant and an MTBE production part.
The gas fractionation plant processes cracked gas generated by the catalytic cracking unit by adopting a mature three-tower process flow and selecting an ADV micro-dispersion tray.
The MTBE plant produces MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether) products for adjusting octane &#118alue of gasoline by using mixed C4 and methanol produced by the gas fractionation plant as the raw materials based on a mixed-phase bed-catalytic distillation combined process.
Main products: propylene (purity not less than 99), propane, mixed C4 and MTBE.



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